If I asked you if technology promotes loneliness what would be the first answer that comes to mind? Yes or no! I heard you say it depends because it does. If you check closely, there are moments that technology makes you lonely and there are moments that you don’t feel lonely at all.
Causes of loneliness
Apart from blaming technology completely, loneliness can be a result of so many reasons ranging from personal experiences to societal structures. One of them is the breakdown of social connections, whether due to a change in where you live, geographical mobility, or changing family dynamics.
The more people have to move from one place to another in search of meaning, greener pastures, etc., the more individuals may struggle to establish and maintain meaningful relationships. This will lead to feelings of isolation and a trigger for loneliness. Making these new changes means disrupting your social network. Soon, you will start to feel adrift and disconnected from your support system.
Validations through likes and comments
If you spend time scrolling through social media feeds, longing for the validation of likes and comments that never seem to fill the void within, you will soon get lonely. This is because even though the media gives us the illusion of connectivity offered by technology, you will feel disconnected from those around you. You will be trapped in a cycle of comparison yet longing for deeper connections.
Technology and Loneliness
Using technology and not experiencing any bit of loneliness happens when you are in a group of people or speaking to someone you feel connected with at some level. Everything you talk about and listen to feels familiar and if you have the opportunity to share your opinion, you begin to feel good about yourself.
Yes, technology can foster these positive emotions and thoughts. But there are people whom Technology leads to negativity instead of positivity. If you are in this category then you will agree that sometimes watching another person’s perfectly curated lifestyle on social media makes you feel inferior.
You begin to question your persona. You feel like an escort in a world with so much potential to be uncovered and explored. Technology in this instance, makes you think more about committing suicide than imparting lives.
Social Isolation & Technology
If you have been on both levels of the emotional downpour explained above, then, you are saying, it depends on the question asked at the beginning of this blog. The ultimate truth is that we are social beings and since technology has reduced interactions amongst us, there will always be negative impacts on human psychology.
If you are constantly isolated and you do not have a group that motivates you to grow and be better every day, a lot will be said about the negative experiences you will encounter with your usage of technology.
Mental & Technology
Isolation should never have been associated with humans in the first place but if technology makes it near impossible for you to step out and associate physically, you need to protect your mental health and seek assistance. When you see a therapist occasionally, you will be encouraged to create time out of your technology schedule to flex your muscles and meet people. Interacting with others has been said to be good for overall well-being. You should value your mental health enough to put yourself first before technology.
Fostering a Sense of Belonging
A sense of belonging is unique to all humans and if social media helps you gain this nature of humanity, then, go for it. If it doesn’t, you should move away and limit your usage of technology. Healthy usage of technology is advised You need human connections so you can join digital platforms that will help you foster a sense of belonging. Your social well-being needs to be a top priority and at a peak
Balanced use of technology
Whether or not technology brings you negative or positive values, when you try to establish healthy boundaries, it will be great for your overall experience. If you use technology mindfully, you will enjoy better connections and less loneliness. You can find a balance by reducing your screen time and making room for physical interactions. When you do this, you are ultimately giving yourself the chance to leverage technology while maintaining a healthier physical relationship. At this point, you can say goodbye to loneliness.
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